Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Facility Goal or Dream On

What do you dream about? Are you pursuing your dreams? Do you have goals that will direct you to realize your dreams for your future, or are you leaving it all up to chance?

Over the past several months, the staff of Development Advisors have talked with literally hundreds of churches here in Colorado to learn more about their growth and therefore their need to expand their facilities. Advisors specializes in working with churches that need to expand. Nearly 10% of these churches suggest that they have growing congregations (PTL) and that they have the desire to expand their church facilities in the future.

Many of these church leaders have a vision for their future, but many of these churches have not stated their desires, their dreams, in writing. What these churches need are goals and specifically a facility goal.

Just like that vacation you have been planning, its critically important that you have a road map showing how you get to each one of your destinations and then get home!

At Development Advisors, we lead our church clients through the process of establishing goals for their facility expansion in the first of four phases. In Phase 1, we help churches clearly define their vision, know their membership, plan financially, plan the right size staff and manage their critically-needed volunteers. Such goals must specifically articulated in writing and matched with a church’s future facility desires. We lead our clients through this Phase 1 process in order to create the church’s Facility Goal.