Saturday, March 15, 2014

Generosity & Stewardship

Raising money for any purpose is challenging, but a prerequisite for church expansion. As A-to-Z managers for church facility projects, we walk with our church clients through the process of finding a stewardship coach and organizing a generosity campaign.

Having done this many times, we have observed some biblical truths that must be communicated.

  • Giving is an act of love and gratitude and God rewards it (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).
  • Wise stewardship requires deliberate prayer to seek and discover God’s will for each giver.
  • We are managers of God’s stuff, entrusted with certain resources and tasked to make the most of them (Luke 19:12-27). Everything belongs to it’s not really ours to begin with.
  • God doesn’t need our money, but rather desires for us to willingly and obediently give back to his work (Exodus 35-36; 1 Chronicles 29; 2 Cor. 8:12).
  • Sacrificial giving isn’t intended to involve equal amounts, but rather equal sacrifice, unique to each person or family. It should require 1) a reordering of priorities, 2) a change in lifestyle, 3) giving up something of real value or 4) significantly impact on the giver’s life (1 Cor. 16:1-2).
Proverbs 29:18 states: “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.” So the opposite must be true as well—where there is a vision, people flourish.

The Bible is very clear that those who give generously and manage well are blessed. In our experience, churches (and individuals) that live this way for the Kingdom reap great rewards. They may not be financial, but they are real.

Just look at this beautiful passage about the outpouring of gifts toward building God’s temple, inspired by David’s generosity: 1 Chronicles 29: 1-20.

While we seek to be the best stewards we can, God is ultimately the one who makes things happen and is glorified. May your church—as a bunch of individuals and a whole body—give generously according to God’s direction, but more importantly for his glory.

Development Advisors provides A to Z services for churches seeking to expand their facilities. If you would like more information about our church real estate and church development services, please contact Scott McLean at 303-534-3344 (x 103) or at